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Senin, 02 Juli 2012

The Sims 3: Generations Review

The Good

  • A bunch of new mechanics and items for sims of all ages  
  • Imaginary friends and childrens' costumes are adorable  
  • Pulling pranks and using the video camera are fun.

The Bad

  • Doesn't have much impact on the overall experience  
  • Proms and other features are missed opportunities  
  • Overpriced for what you get.
The Sims games have traditionally received two types of add-ons: "stuff" packs that give fans new items like decor and apparel, and full expansions that add brand new gameplay elements. The Sims 3: Generations is an awkward middle child, granting you more than just hairstyles and new chairs but none of the inventiveness found in previous expansions like World Adventures and Ambitions. This addition is a pleasant extension of what The Sims 3 already does--not a game changer--and series addicts will undoubtedly enjoy how well Generations captures the essence of life's individual milestones. Children get tree houses and playground equipment; teens learn to drive and go to prom; adults have midlife crises; and grumpy oldsters shoo away annoying kids with their canes. These enhancements are subtly integrated into the main game, but they don't have the overall impact of previous expansions. And that's this expansion's real problem: lack of impact. It's nice to have new playthings, but at almost the cost of a whole new game, even the most dedicated devotees can probably do without these toys.

Toddlers are like cats: you can leave them alone for hours without supervision. In fact, they enjoy it.
As you can guess from its title, Generations deepens and broadens your sims' various stages of life by adding mechanics suited to their age. It begins in childhood, with one of the expansion's most charming and surreal additions: the imaginary friend. This semicreepy stuffed wonder morphs from plush toy into a combination of best friend and personal assistant. Watching your child's purple Martian mutant saunter about with an exaggerated bounce is as charming and silly a sight as any in the series, and you only see him when you are directly controlling your child. Want a snack? Send your pal to grab you one. Want help with making the beds and cleaning the toilet? Ask your invisible friend to help with your chores. Heck, you can even turn him into a controllable sim if you mess around at the chemistry table often enough. You make potions here, one of which will make your virtual Pinocchio a real boy. Well, almost, anyway. You can craft other potions at the table too, such as mood enhancers and the like, though potions aren't exactly new; the Makin' Magic expansion for the original game included a similar mechanic.
As you move through the years, you also unlock new features. Children don't just get living plushies: They can play on seesaws and in tree houses or use any of the other playground equipment added to the Buy mode. They can also pull pranks, at home or elsewhere. Your cackling kid may sneak up to his parents' laptop and set it up to scare the next sim that uses it or plant a whoopee cushion on the sofa. The sim that falls victim to the prank is disgusted by the sound, and temporarily suffers from a negative moodlet. If your kid prefers milder forms of fun, you can always dress him or her up as a dinosaur using the new costume chest. Here, as in other ways, Generations encapsulates an important truth of youth: Children dressed as fairy princesses and astronauts are adorable. Teens are more known for angst than adorableness, so perhaps you'd like to prank the school and release frogs from the science lab; it's a pity you only read of the results in in-game text rather than witness the hysterical results. Your teens can also go to prom, but this is an option sadly underutilized. Perhaps your prom was a slow-dancing delight, or perhaps it was a public display of romantic awkwardness. Either way, you can't relive those moments in The Sims 3: Generations. Your teen and his or her date simply disappear into the building, and you get periodic updates in the corner of your screen.

Luckily, other elements are more interactive. You can throw bachelor parties now for engaged sims, and if things get wild and crazy, why not pull out a video camera? You activate cameras from your personal inventory and "tape" events from a first-person view. It's actually pretty amusing to step into the shoes of an individual sim in this manner because you suddenly feel like you are actually eavesdropping on your neighbors' conversations rather than having your virtual doppelganger do your dirty work for you. Later, you can watch your home videos on television, though reliving these moments isn't nearly as fun as capturing them in the first place. Perhaps you aren't so much into the partying aspect of The Sims 3. Luckily, there's at least a little something new to mess with for most types of players. Builders and buyers will appreciate spiral staircases and the new wedding arch; family-oriented folks will like how you can reprimand your kids when they're particular naughty; and if you're into woohoo, beware: You now have to worry about your romantic reputation.
These changes are all fine in and of themselves, but they don't bring anything significant to the table; they simply broaden existing features. Previous expansions added game-changing mechanics like celebrity fame, puzzle-solving adventures, and interactive careers. Granted, Generations adds a new profession--Day Care--but attending to a roomful of toddlers that need constant changing and socializing isn't as fun as busting ghosts or fighting fires. (Though to be fair, Day Care is not a career, but a profession, which is an important distinction to Sims 3 players.) But Generations mostly stretches out what already existed and offers nothing exciting enough to lure you back to the game if you've moved on from it. Its final impact is that of a "stuff pack" with added social features rather than a true expansion. Generations is in part aimed at the "Sims 3 as sharing experience" crowd, as evidenced by the new social networking integration, which allows you to upload key moments to the Sims 3 website and share them on your Facebook wall. Now, the virtual life you live in The Sims 3 has more bearing on your actual life than ever before. But even voracious Sims lovers might wonder whether $39.99 is too much to ask for a product that feels less like an expansion and more like a collection of gameplay odds and ends.

Those odds and ends are agreeable at least, though they aren't all that's new in The Sims 3: Generations. You could run into bugs you've never seen before. You might receive notice that your teen has made a new friend at school: himself. Or your normally endearing child might temporarily morph into a hideous long-armed freak, with her head in the middle of her abdomen. Glitches aside, Generations adds entertaining moments to a franchise that turns routine duties, like taking showers and tossing salads, into compelling delights, but these new moments are too infrequent and unexceptional to justify the high price tag.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Terbaik di Inggris!

Siapa yang bilang bahwa popularitas Final Fantasy sebagai salah satu franchise game RPG terbesar di dunia kini telah tergerus zaman? Setelah melewati masa-masa berat akibat kegagalan Final Fantasy XIII dan Final Fantasy XIV, Square Enix secara perlahan mulai mengangkat kembali nama FF ke tempat yang seharusnya. Berbagai kritik dan celaan yang ada juga tidak lantas mematikan animo gamer untuk mencicipi setiap seri baru yang muncul ke pasaran. Fenomena inilah yang tampaknya tertangkap pada perilisan Final Fantasy XIII-2 di Benua Eropa. Sekuel dari FF XIII ini berhasil menjadi yang terbaik di chart Inggris minggu ini!
Sebagai entry baru, FF XIII-2 langsung terbang merajai posisi pertama mengalahkan beberapa game epik lainnya. Di posisi kedua ditempati oleh proyek ambisius Kojima – Metal Gear Solid HD Collections yang baru dirilis secara resmi di Inggris. EA berhasil memastikan FIFA 12 dan Battlefield 3 bercokol di posisi ketiga dan keempat, mengalahkan seri game fighting terbaru – Soul Calibur V yang harus bercokol di posisi kelima. Secara mengejutkan, game third person shooter terbaru Konami – NeverDead ternyata tidak berhasil menempatkan diri di chart mingguan yang berakhir di 4 Februari 2012 kemarin. List lengkap 10 besar:

  1. Final Fantasy XIII-2
  2. Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
  3. Battlefield 3
  4. FIFA 12
  5. Soul Calibur 5
  6. Assassin’s Creed: Revelations
  7. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
  8. The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
  9. Just Dance 3
  10. Saints Row: The Third
Dengan keberhasilan Final Fantasy XIII-2 menjadi jawara di Inggris dan Jepang di minggu awal perilisan, Square Enix berhasil membuktikan kepada dunia bahwa seri terbaru ini memang diciptakan dengan kualitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan seri pertamanya. Di sisi yang lain, ini juga menjadi bukti bahwa Final Fantasy masih menjadi seri yang diantisipasi oleh gamer manapun di seluruh dunia. Bagaimana sebenarnya kualitas yang mereka hadirkan? Tunggu saja tanggal mainnya, karena JagatPlay sendiri sedang berada dalam proses menilainya.

Desain Baju Transparan Akan Hadir di DOA 5?

Sudah bukan rahasia lagi jika franchise game fighting raksasa – Dead or Alive memang identik dengan desain karakter wanitanya yang memesona. Mereka menjadi daya tarik utama yang membuat banyak gamer (terutama yang laki-laki) untuk melirik dan jatuh cinta pada franchise yang satu ini. Setelah vakum untuk waktu yang cukup lama, Team Ninja akhirnya mengembangkan seri terbaru – Dead or Alive 5 yang rencananya akan dirilis tahun ini. Tidak hanya mengembangkan sistem pertarungan yang lebih epik dan sinematik, Team Ninja juga ternyata sudah mempersiapkan fitur lainnya yang mungkin menggoda Anda. Dua kata: baju transparan!
Tahan dulu pemikiran kotor Anda sebelum imajinasi Anda mulai berselancar liar. Desain pakaian transparan ini hanyalah bagian dari usaha Team Ninja untuk menghadirkan sensasi pertarungan yang lebih realistis sekaligus memperkenalkan sebuah fitur “segar” yang belum pernah ditawarkan oleh game yang lain. Seperti halnya di dunia nyata, para pertarung di DOA 5 juga akan berkeringat sesuai dengan usaha yang mereka lakukan di arena. Akibatnya? Para karakter dengan pakaian tertentu akan memperlihatkan kesan lekuk tubuh yang lebih padat karena pakaian yang melekat karena keringat. Tidak hanya itu saja, keringat ini bahkan mungkin berujung pada pakaian “tembus pandang” yang membuat Anda bisa melihat pakaian dalam dari tiap karakter wanita. Wow! Tecmo dan Team Ninja juga akan memperbaharui sistem gerakan (maaf) dada yang lebih natural dan disesuaikan dengan pakaian yang dikenakan oleh tiap karakter, tidak hanya sekedar “memantul” liar.
Oh God...I'm all sweaty..
Dengan sistem pertarungan sinematik yang lebih epik dan dua buah fitur “unik” di atas, maka tidak diragukan lagi, DOA 5 menjadi satu seri game fighting yang pantas untuk diantisipasi di tahun 2012 ini. Masalahnya kini, mana yang lebih membuat Anda penasaran? Keinginan untuk merasakan sistem battle barunya kah atau hanya karena ingin melihat Kasumi berkeringat? Mmmm..the second option seems tempting..

Command & Conquer: Generals 2 – Proyek Game Terbaru Bioware

Kabar bahwa Bioware akan mengerjakan proyek game real-time strategy terbaru EA menjadi kenyataan! Di acara Spike Video Game Award 2011, EA mengumumkan bahwa studio tersebut akan mengerjakan game baru untuk seri RTS lama mereka, Command & Conquer: Generals. Game baru tersebut diperkenalkan sebagai Command & Conquer: Generals 2!
Command & Conquer: Generals 2 memang hanya muncul sebagai trailer singkat berdurasi kurang lebih 25 detik. Walaupun begitu, trailer singkat tersebut cukup membuat penasaran karena dua hal: Bioware dan Frostbite 2! Bioware selama ini merupakan studio andalan EA untuk game-game role-playing game. Beberapa judul game yang mereka hasilkan pastinya sudah akrab di telinga pecinta RPG sebagai game yang memang memiliki kualitas tinggi, seperti seri Dragon Age dan Mass Effect. Namun, untuk dunia RTS, bisa dikatakan pengalaman Bioware masih minim.
Hal menarik lain yang tercantum dalam trailer tersebut adalah engine game Frostbite 2. Engine yang pertama kali digunakan di game Battlefield 3 tersebut diakui merupakan engine dengan tampilan grafis sangat baik. EA tampaknya ingin membawa kualitas grafis yang dihadirkan engine tersebut ke luar dunia Battlefield 3. Hal itu terbukti dengan munculnya game Need for Speed: The Run yang juga menggunakan engine tersebut dan sekarang Command & Conquer: Generals 2 pun turut menggunakannya.
Bila tidak ada halangan, Command & Conquer: Generals 2 akan hadir menyapa fans seri Command & Conquer di tahun 2013 mendatang.
Sumber video: GameTrailers.com
Kemunculan judul Command & Conquer: Generals 2 tentunya akan menjadi angin segar bagi fans Command & Conquer, khususnya untuk seri Generals. Game pertama untuk seri tersebut hadir di tahun 2003 lalu, disusul sebuah expansion pack “Zero Hour” pada tahun yang sama. Saat itu, seri military RTS tersebut cukup berhasil menarik perhatian pecinta game strategy. Sayangnya, EA memutuskan untuk tidak melanjutkan seri tersebut, setidaknya hingga tahun 2011 ini.
Berikut beberapa screenshot yang kami ambil dari trailer tersebut. Sebagai catatan, semuanya merupakan tampilan di dalam permainan (in-game), bukan film yang telah di pre-rendered. Frostbyte 2 memang luar biasa!

Atlus akan Perkenalkan Persona 5?

Hampir semua penggemar game RPG Jepang tentu mengenal apa itu Persona. Game RPG buatan Atlus ini memang terhitung cukup populer berkat sistem gameplaynya yang unik. Tidak sekedar menghadirkan gameplay RPG konvensional yang hanya berfokus pada damage dan level, Persona juga menyisipkan sedikit elemen Life-Simulation yang membuatnya tampil berbeda. Gamer akan menjalankan karakter sebagai hero yang menyelamatkan dunia, sekaligus sebagai seorang anak sekolah yang menjalani kehidupan sekolah dengan belajar dan kegiatan sosial. Konsep unik inilah yang membuat dua seri terakhir franchise ini, Persona 3 dan 4 yang dirilis di Playstation 2 berhasil mencapai kesuksesan yang luar biasa. Lantas, bagaimana dengan nasib seri selanjutnya?
Tentu banyak gamer yang sudah tidak sabar lagi untuk mencicipi seri terbaru Persona. Menjadikannya sebagai seri pertama Persona yang dirilis untuk teknologi gaming masa kini, ekspektasi akan sebuah game Persona 5 yang berkualitas tinggi memang tidak dapat dihindari. Berita baiknya, Anda mungkin akan dapat menjajalnya dalam “waktu dekat” ini. Informasi berharga ini datang dari pihak developernya langsung, Atlus. Lewat kartu ucapan Tahun Baru yang mereka kirimkan, Atlus secara gamblang menuliskan bahwa mereka akan segera mengumumkan sebuah game yang “sudah lama dinanti oleh para gamer” dalam waktu dekat ini. Spekulasi pun merebak. Dari semua probabilitas yang ada, Persona 5 tampaknya menjadi opsi yang paling masuk akal.
Ini bukan kali pertamanya Atlus menyebut-nyebut Persona 5. Di Maret 2010 silam, sang produser – Katsura Hashino juga pernah menyatakan bahwa Atlus memang sedang mengerjakan seri kelanjutan Persona. Ia bahkan sempat menjanjikan beberapa perubahan di dalam gameplay dengan tetap mempertahanakan identitas Persona yang unik. Setelah hampir 1, 5 tahun berlalu, apakah ucapan Hashino ini akan menjadi kenyataan di tahun 2012 ini? Apakah Persona 5 akan menjadi game yang akan diperkenalkan oleh Atlus dalam waktu dekat ini? Walaupun masih sebatas spekulasi, namun tidak ada salahnya untuk sedikit

Bersiaplah Untuk Gears of Wars: Judgement!

Anda yang memahami “kebiasaan” Epic Games tentu merasa bingung dengan judul artikel di atas. Apa yang Anda baca tidaklah salah. Benar sekali, hanya dalam waktu tidak lebih dari satu tahun sejak kelahiran seri penutup – Gears of Wars 3 yang luar biasa, Epic ternyata sudah mempersiapkan sebuah seri yang lain. Dari cover yang dirilis oleh majalah game ternama – Game Informer, informasi ini menguak. Pada awalnya sebuah gambar yang memperlihatkan sesosok mirip Marcus Fenix dalam tahanan dengan tebaran Locust di latar belakang yang penuh kehancuran. Apa yang sebenarnya ditawarkan Epic di seri terbaru ini?
Berbeda dengan seri Gears of Wars selama ini, game terbaru yang akan diberi nama Gears of Wars: Judgement tidak akan ditangani oleh Epic secara langsung, tetapi oleh People Can Fly. Anda yang sempat memainkan game FPS – Bulletstorm tentu pernah mendengar nama developer yang satu ini. Lantas bagaimana dengan plotnya sendiri? Detail pertama yang bocor memastikan bahwa Anda tidak akan memerankan sang ikon – Marcus Fenix di game ini, melainkan dua sahabat dekatnya: Cole Train dan Baird. Judgement juga akan dihadirkan sebagai sebauh game prekuel yang akan menceritakan latar belakang di balik kedekatan para sahabat ini. Tidak tanggung-tanggung, Anda akan menjalani sebuah petualangan 14 tahun sebelum seri Gears of Wars pertama. Benar sekali, Judgement adalah sebuah game prekuel!
Cole and Baird? Interesting....
Epic belum memberikan kepastian tentang tanggal rilis dan menjanjikan informasi yang lebih mendetail di ajang E3 2012. Sebuah seri prekuel setelah sebuah seri penutup Gears of Wars 3 yang epik? Semoga saja ia masih tampil dalam sebuah kualitas yang pantas untuk diacungi jempol, mengingat People Can Fly akan bertanggung jawab dalam pengembangannya, sementara Bulletstorm sendiri bukanlah sebuah seri game yang “menonjol”. Bagaimana dengan Anda sendiri? Apakah Anda tertarik dengan seri ini?

Fight Night Champion Review

The Good

  • Story-driven Champion mode is a great addition  
  • Superb-looking fighters who take realistic damage  
  • Flash KOs and knockdowns keep fights from being predictable  
  • Spamming punches is no longer an effective fight strategy  
  • Intuitive controls.

The Bad

  • Legacy mode's training minigames aren't much fun  
  • Referee occasionally comes between the camera and the action.
Regardless of how much time you've spent with the Fight Night Champion demo, or with previous Fight Night games, your first act in EA Sports' latest boxing sim is to pick yourself up off the floor after getting knocked down. You are fictional boxer Andre Bishop, and you're fighting against a heavily tattooed skinhead in front of your fellow prison inmates in the new story-driven Champion mode. Make it through that fight, which also serves as a decent tutorial, and you then have the option to either continue Bishop's story or check out other modes reminiscent of those in Fight Night Round 4. Wherever you go you'll find that Fight Night Champion improves upon its already-great predecessor in mostly minor but meaningful ways.

Bishop has plenty of opportunities to keep his hand in while incarcerated.
Upon entering the ring for the first time, you could be forgiven for thinking that Fight Night Champion is a mindless slugfest. That's not only because it's easy to throw an unrealistically high number of punches simply by flicking the right analog stick (or pressing the face buttons, if you prefer), but also because you might not yet realize the importance of defending, countering, and conserving your stamina. You might enjoy some success spamming punches on the easiest of the four difficulty levels or against inexperienced opponents online, but you need to master both the offensive and defensive controls to make it through Champion mode or to make a name for yourself elsewhere. Fortunately there's nothing complicated about the controls, and even if you've been reluctant to throw your punches using the right analog stick in previous games you might want to give it a try this year. Previous Fight Night games have required you to rotate the stick with some precision to throw different types of punches, but here those same straights, overhands, hooks, and uppercuts are simply mapped to different directions, so you're far less likely to throw the wrong punch. It's an intuitive system, and when used in conjunction with shoulder button modifiers for body punches and more powerful shots, it affords you easy access to a formidable repertoire.
The defensive controls used for blocking, leaning, and clinching are similarly uncomplicated, though it's only through practice that you can get a feel for the timing that's needed to open your opponent up for powerful counterpunching opportunities. You might have no intention of playing Fight Night Champion as a counterpuncher, but after being on the receiving end of a few counters (AI opponents are quick to punish you if you leave yourself exposed), you'll be compelled to add them to your own arsenal. You need to use every move at your disposal to succeed in Fight Night Champion, and that's especially true in Champion mode, where story events often force you to adapt your fighting style to different rules or situations. For example, early on your fights in prison don't end until only one of you is left standing, while the flashback fights at the amateur world championships are points-based. And once you turn pro, all manner of obstacles are thrown your way to keep the action from becoming repetitive. In one fight you hurt yourself anytime you use a broken hand, and in the next you have to knock out your opponent with the same hand to prove to everyone that it's healed, for example. Other memorable fights include one in which a crooked referee has been paid off to rule all of your body shots as low blows, and another that you spend protecting a cut near your eye.

There's no shortage of drama in Champion mode, and while Bishop's story is riddled with Rocky-esque cliches, it's still entertaining for as long as it takes you to reach the requisite final fight against a dangerous rival. How long that takes can vary a great deal depending on how quickly you're able to win fights, but it should be at least five or six hours before you step into the ring as Andre Bishop for the last time if you're playing at an appropriate difficulty level. Most of the storytelling is done via well-voiced dialogue in great-looking cutscenes, with extra flavor during fights coming courtesy of ESPN's ringside announcers Joe Tessitore and Teddy Atlas as well as your trainer. The former are occasionally amusing and mostly accurate with their observations, and they even go so far as to comment on your performances in previous fights. The latter, whom you sadly don't always get to hear from between rounds, often has sound advice for you and doesn't pull any punches when it comes to letting you know how he feels the fight is progressing. Impressively, the announcers and trainer do their jobs just as well outside of the scripted Champion mode, though in Legacy mode the former are accurate only a little more often than a stopped clock when it comes to detailing the result of your previous fight.
If you played Fight Night Round 4's Legacy mode, then you already have a good idea of what to expect from it in Fight Night Champion. You schedule fight after fight for your created boxer, and juggle training, rest periods, and obligations to sponsors and the like between fights. Some improvements have been made, but the career structure is unchanged, and training minigames--though less frustrating than their counterparts in Round 4--are still a necessary evil. Tedious training minigames aside, there's a lot of fun to be had creating a custom boxer (you can use one of more than 70 licensed and Champion mode boxers if you prefer) and then developing him into a champion, a Hall of Famer, or even the greatest of all time. Creation tools are every bit as powerful as those in other EA Sports games and afford you the freedom to customize your boxer's appearance using photos taken with your console's camera, digital photos uploaded to the EA Sports website, as well as dozens of different sliders. It's still not easy to put a realistic likeness of yourself into the game, but with a little patience you can certainly come up with a boxer that's recognizable as you--at least from the neck up. And once you're done perfecting your pretty boy, you have an opportunity to tailor his skill set so that the face you just spent so much time getting right doesn't become a showpiece for Fight Night Champion's excellent damage and blood effects. (Blood even sprays out of cuts and shows up on the fighters, on their shorts, and on the mat.)

It's probably a good idea to play at least a handful of fights before creating a boxer for Legacy mode because that way you'll have some idea of your preferred style. Choosing the correct style from the seven available for your boxer during the creation process doesn't lock you into fighting that way for your entire career, but it has an impact both on your starting skills and on how many experience points it costs to upgrade different skills as you progress. For example, if you make an "inside fighter," you already have some good hooks and uppercuts at your disposal as your career gets under way, but your straights aren't nearly as powerful and cost a lot to upgrade. Create a "counterpuncher" on the other hand, and you start with a good selection of head shots in your arsenal as well as good blocking, head movement, chin, and heart attributes, but your shots to the body are weak. It's a great system that encourages you to choose a fighting style and stick with it but also gives you the freedom to experiment with different approaches if opponents are making it difficult for you to stick to your game plan.

Total War: Shogun 2 Review

The Good

  • Stylistically gorgeous and brimming with character  
  • Avatar Conquest mode encourages repeat play  
  • Japanese castles spawn novel siege battles  
  • Great cooperative campaigns  
  • Improves upon previous Total War games in every way, including campaign AI.

The Bad

  • Rare crashes haunt multiplayer campaigns  
  • Occasional AI issues in real-time battles.
When the first Shogun: Total War came out, its real-time battles made you feel like you were playing through the epic battle scenes from one of Akira Kurosawa's samurai films. Shogun 2 is like playing through a new, remastered edition of that game, complete with both the character dramas and the enormous battles. Merging beautiful graphics, scheming generals, improved multiplayer options, and deep strategic gameplay with countless small details that imbue it with historical flavor and drama, Shogun 2 is one of the most captivating strategy games ever made.

Like the previous Total War games, Shogun 2 combines a turn-based strategy mode with tactical, real-time battles. The turn-based portion of the game takes place on a gorgeous strategic map that, although limited to the country of Japan (minus Hokkaido), feels every bit as epic as the continent-spanning maps of previous iterations in the series. It is on this magnificent 60-province map of Japan that you make all of your strategic decisions, manage your dynasty, research technologies, build improvements like roads and farms, and direct your armies. When an army engages in combat, you can either use the auto-resolve feature or fight things out in fantastic real-time battles. The goal during real-time battles is to route the enemy army as an attacker and hold out as a defender. Either way, you have to make intelligent use of terrain and unit abilities, keep your flank adequately protected, and do your best to sap the enemy units' morale before they can get the upper hand.
Shogun 2's turn-based single-player campaign stands on its own merits as an excellent strategy game. You play as an ambitious daimyo, or leader, of one of the 10 most powerful clans in Japan. Each clan has unique strengths that you have to master if you plan to capture Kyoto, the nation's capital city, and unify Japan as its new shogun. For instance, the Chosokabe have superior bow infantry, while the Mori are master shipwrights, and the Hojo get building construction bonuses. The choice of clan is an easy one compared to the many difficult decisions you have to make during the campaign. One example is the allocation of your research efforts, which must be carefully divided between the chi and Bushido arts (the civilian and military tech trees, respectively). A strong economy based on chi is needed to pay for a powerful army's upkeep, but a narrowly focused autocrat, however enlightened, may be overrun by a militaristic brute. Furthermore, sound economic planning is necessary for success. Your economic potential and buildable units are limited by the types of buildings in your provinces. The size of a province's castle determines the number of possible buildings that may be constructed there. Since larger castles consume more food, you have to carefully plan your upgrades lest you inadvertently cause mass starvation. Temporary prosperity is possible through honorable trade relations with other clans, but these arrangements rarely last.

Such concerns coupled with the constant barrage of special events and natural disasters are problematic enough, but the tricky issue of religion is added to this explosive mix. Allowing Nanban, or European, merchants into your cities lets you field units with powerful matchlock firearms, but it also opens up your homogeneous Buddhist society to Christian influences. The growing Christian population has to be either appeased or subdued in some manner. One solution is for the clan to convert to Christianity to unlock powerful European cannons or carracks, but this would outrage the Buddhist population and bring dishonor to the daimyo. The best course of action is to ensure that the majority of the populace follows the daimyo's faith whether through conversion or isolationism. Angry religious minorities are an Achilles' heel for any daimyo, so religious and secular grievances must be kept to a minimum lest bloody rebellions ruin your chances of becoming shogun.
In Shogun 2, generals add another level of strategy, as well as some much-appreciated drama. Generals have always been important for maintaining troop morale in the Total War series, but they've never had as much character as in Shogun 2. For starters, generals now have a loyalty rating, and one could conceivably turn on you, especially if his overambitious wife is feeding him poisonous ideas. As a result, you need to find some way to keep them loyal. You might give them important positions in the clan, or bring them into your family through marriage or adoption (which works even if the general is only slightly younger than the daimyo). For example, a general's loyalty improves immensely once he has been entrusted with the clan's finances. It is vitally important to keep generals around for as long as possible because their combat experience can be used to gain a variety of new skills and followers for the clan's benefit. For instance, you could increase a general's poetry skill, giving your clan a research bonus and opening up the path for your general to become a "living treasure" capable of bringing unrestrained jubilation to any province he passes through. Alternatively, you may mold a general into a feared tyrant, an expert at siege warfare, or a near invincible legendary warrior. The general's retinue, which is increased every few levels, is equally diverse.

His retainers can be people, like a samurai master who gives a melee bonus to all units; animals, such as a lovable monkey; or even inanimate objects, like a Go board, which increases the general's command ability. These are all in addition to random traits that generals pick up during battles or through marriage. The "fecund wife" trait, which ensures that a general sires many children, is particularly useful for daimyos since they need heirs to carry on their legacy after death. The daimyo's male children will grow up to become fairly loyal generals, so you want to be blessed with a large brood. In addition to the generals, all special characters, such as the metsuke (inspectors), monks, ninjas, and geisha, gain experience points, skill traits, and a retinue. A Christian missionary, for example, can learn to become a scholar and aid his clan's chi research, or he can focus his efforts toward proselytizing for Christian faith with the help of his retinue of church notaries and Japanese converts.
Another important consideration is weather. On the campaign map, armies suffer significant attrition when outside of your territory during winter, so you must plan your campaigns with the seasons in mind, or risk losing samurai to frostbite. Likewise, fleets suffer heavy losses from attrition while outside of placid coastal waters. Weather also plays a major role during real-time battles. For instance, matchlock firearms and fire arrows are useless when it rains, and heavy fog can change the face of battle, enabling dramatic conflicts where diversionary assaults further obfuscate the true threat that bides its time in the dark mist.

Major League Baseball 2K11 Review

The Good

  • Some tweaks to batting and pitching make for more-realistic at-bats  
  • Improved fielding with better animations and a new throwing meter  
  • Dynamic player ratings let MLB Today fans stay current with the real bigs.

The Bad

  • Few significant changes from last year's version of the game.
It's often hard to tell the difference between one year's MLB 2K and the next. Just about every aspect of this year's 2K Sports take on the national pastime is the same as last year's 2K Sports take on the national pastime. Some minor improvements on the field make for more realistic games, the player-ratings system has been upgraded, a new throwing meter is used when fielding, and some of the visuals have been fine-tuned. But other than that, this is just a baby step forward for the series.

The low camera angle makes him look like a real giant.
With all that said, MLB 2K11 is still a very good baseball game. This new game rehashes everything that made last year's edition perhaps the best in the history of the series. Modes of play have been carried over with few noteworthy changes. My Player mode still lets you create a pro and role-play him from AA to the majors, earning skill points through being able to take part in every at-bat, pitch, and fielding attempt. Little work has been done to improve depth, though. In-game challenges are pretty much the same. Skill advancement is the same. Even the generic career advice offered on the menu screen is the same. It's now a little harder to make it to the bigs, due to added criteria like having to achieve ratings in a range of specific skill categories before getting a phone call. Just knocking the cover off the ball for a few weeks isn't good enough anymore. Skill points are freely handed out for about everything you do in games, however, so even with these added hurdles, it isn't all that arduous to make it to the show.
Franchise mode still lets you take over an entire team and try to get deep into October for years into the future. A few adjustments have been made, mainly to injury tracking; players can now come down with minor nagging problems that reduce their effectiveness. You now need to make more managerial decisions, deciding whether your starter at 85 percent is a better bet than his backup at full health. MLB Today mode lets you track the real pros and play games day by day as the season progresses from spring training through the World Series. Other standard options let you get into exhibitions, online matches and leagues, a home-run derby, training competitions, and so on. The overall feature package is identical to last year, so if you're familiar with the series, you know exactly what to expect. About the only notable upgrade is stable and almost lag-free online play (there is an almost imperceptible delay when batting on both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, so you have to swing a split second earlier in comparison to taking cuts offline), which is a huge improvement over the matchmaking bugs that made it tough to find games a year ago.

A handful of minor refinements combine to make the diamond action more realistic in MLB 2K11. At-bats have been tweaked in subtle ways to provide more authentic pitcher-batter showdowns. It's easier to read pitches this year in the batter's box. AI pitchers are more authentic and can't paint corners as robotically as they did last year. In other words, they throw more balls. As a result, you can work counts effectively, fight off tough pitches, and hang in there for walks. Running on the basepaths is also more accurate now. Last year, it was pretty much impossible to steal bases, or even move ahead on a hit and run without nailing a solid single or better. Now, it's still tough, but it's at least possible to swipe a bag every so often if you get a great jump. Pitching pretty much stays the course. Twirling and twisting the right stick to throw different pitches remains as accurate and innovative as ever. Pitchers respond a little more dramatically to pressure now, though, as the gamepad throbs and the cursor shakes with runners on. At times, this is a bit much, as when you see an experienced World Series winner like Josh Beckett practically having a nervous breakdown on the rubber after giving up a homer and a double in the first inning of a game in April.

Back to the Future: The Game - Episode II: Get Tannen! Review

The Good

  • Story continues to evolve in fun directions  
  • Great characters with stellar voice work  
  • Good pacing.

The Bad

  • Puzzles lack challenge.
If there's anything to be learned from sci-fi-drenched tales of time travel, it's that fiddling around with the past and altering key historic events almost always has unintended--and potentially catastrophic--consequences. It's a hallmark of the classic Back to the Future films, and a plot mechanic that's getting a lot of clever play in Telltale's new episodic adventure gaming spin-off of the series. The debut episode set the right tone with a strong story and engaging characters, making up for its gentle puzzles and limited scope. Things get rolling more steadily in Episode II: Get Tannen with its snappier pace, entertaining character developments, and some minor but meaningful tweaks to the formula.

Following a time-traveling romp to Hill Valley's Prohibition era to track down his missing pal Emmet "Doc" Brown in Episode I: It's About Time, Marty McFly finds that his celebration of a job well done at the cliff-hanger conclusion is short-lived. His heroic meddling in the past has the unfortunate side effect of setting events into motion that will erase his existence if he can't find a way to stop them. As the spunky protagonist is starting to fade, he hightails it even further back in time to try to set things right. But what seems like a quick fix to a big problem soon makes the situation even worse, and Marty gets stuck trying to infiltrate and take down a drove of gunslinging mobsters to save himself, his dad, and his future. Like the first episodic installment, Get Tannen features excellent character interactions and a gripping plot that feels faithful to the spirit of the films. It's easy to get sucked into the events that unfold from one time period to the next, and the blend of carryover characters from the last jaunt is beefed up by some colorful newcomers. A love-scorned lounge singer, mullet- and mustache-adorned hooligans, and an impressionable cop with a bit of a drinking problem are just a few new faces that spruce up the tale. Humorous moments abound throughout this episode too, making the few short hours it takes to complete this installment absorbing from start to finish.
Get Tannen plays out across some of the same settings explored in the previous episode, though you also visit a couple of new spots that offer some welcome changes of scenery, like a seedy nightclub that transforms into an "ice-cream parlor" at a moment's notice. Changes in perspective and different camera angles minimize the feeling of deja vu when you're returning to familiar areas like Hill Valley's park and downtown. Beyond making old scenes feel fresh, the way the camera works this time around is a definite improvement. There are still moments when sudden changes in the camera angle during transitions from one area to the next make adjusting your direction in mid-walk a little awkward, but many sections switch things up with dynamic views that shift as you go. Some puzzles feature a static first-person perspective that lets you pan around a scene a full 360 degrees to interact with your surroundings. There are even a few spots where the camera offers a more traditional third-person perspective and moves closely behind Marty as he meanders. This constant shifting blends well with the new areas to explore and keeps the episode from dragging. You never have to stay in one spot for too long, and the time it takes to hike between areas is minimized.

Back to The Future's puzzles are still a cakewalk compared to those in other similar episodic adventure games like Sam & Max, Tales of Monkey Island, and Wallace & Gromit. That said, the puzzles are exceedingly clever and fun to play around with, even if they're a little on the obvious side. Get Tannen features a handful of the standard "use item X on hotspot Y" adventure game puzzles to bridge the gap between dialogue-based challenges and more elaborate conundrums. Some of the episode's more entertaining puzzles include creative challenges that have you fiddling with sheet music to influence important characters, jockeying for position among a gang of ill-dressed ruffians seeking to cave your face in, and using your surroundings to pick off mobsters without being caught. Overcoming these obstacles isn't very hard--the game's multitiered hint system is rarely needed--but they fit so well into the context of the situations you find yourself thrust in that the lack of a real challenge is forgivable.
On the whole, Episode II: Get Tannen shows a marked improvement over Episode I. The pacing flows better, the latest installment has a broader variety of locations and character interactions, and the creative puzzles evolve in interesting and enjoyable ways. While heavy-duty adventure gaming veterans may turn their nose up at the meager difficulty, there is something to be said for not having to pore over pages of a detailed walk-through every few minutes. Strong writing and great personality continue to carry the series upward and onward.

Skyrim Hadirkan Dawnguard – DLC Add-on Pertama!

Puluhan game berkualitas mungkin sudah menyerbu industri game sejak awal tahun, namun tidak sedikit gamer yang masih berkutat dengan Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Dengan dunia yang super luas dan sub-quest dengan jumlah yang masif serta kebebasan untuk beraksi, bermain peran di Skyrim memang bukanlah sebuah pekerjaan yang bisa diselesaikan dalam hitungan minggu belaka. Seakan memang didesain untuk mempertahankan momentum adiksi ini, Bethesda kini sedang mempersiapkan DLC Add-on pertama untuk Skyrim. Add-on yang diberi nama Dawnguard ini akan membuka potensi dunia Skyrim menjadi lebih luas dan berbeda. Apa yang sebenarnya ia tawarkan?
Jika di versi awal Skyrim, Anda memiliki opsi untuk bergabung dengan Stormcloak maupun Imperial (atau bahkan tidak keduanya), maka Dawnguard hadir dengan opsi yang lebih “menarik”. Add-on ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk memilih salah satu kubu antara Vampires atau sang musuh besar – Dawnguard. Lewat trailer terbaru yang dirilis oleh Bethesda, Anda dapat melihat bagaimana para Vampire kini hadir dalam tampilan yang lebih bengis dan gerakan serta serangan yang lebih unik. Di sisi lain, Dawnguard tampil tak ubahnya Demon Hunter yang haus akan darah para Vampires. Sebuah DLC yang akan mengeksplorasi sisi dunia Skyrim yang baru.
Full-transformed Vampire? Now we are talking..
Untuk sementara ini, Bethesda hanya mengkonfirmasikan add-on ini secara eksklusif untuk XBOX 360 pada musim panas nanti. Belum ada kejelasan apakah ia juga akan dirilis untuk PC maupun Playstation 3. Ini tentu menjadi berita menarik bagi para gamer yang cinta mati dengan seri Skyrim, setidaknya cukup untuk membuat adiksi ini terus berlanjut. Bagaimana dengan Anda sendiri? Lebih tertarik untuk menjadi Vampire atau Dawnguard? For me, Vampire it is!

Battle: Los Angeles Review

The Good

  • Attractive graphics and satisfying explosion effects.

The Bad

  • Game is just 45 minutes long  
  • Monotonous gameplay, with few enemy types and only a handful of weapons  
  • No multiplayer or other modes of play  
  • Irritating, repetitive voice samples.
Battle: Los Angeles is just 45 minutes long. This shooter-flavored advertisement for the alien-invasion movie that landed in theaters earlier this month is one of the slightest games to ever hit Xbox Live Arcade. For 800 points, you get a simplistic, easy single-player campaign that even a shooter rookie can blast through in under an hour. And that's it. There are no multiplayer modes, no challenge levels, and no extra frills of any sort to hold your interest a moment longer than it takes to finish the campaign and reach a "Thanks for Playing" message that comes off more like an "LOL Thanks for Giving Us Your Money" parting shot.

45 minutes of this and you're done.
Even if the gameplay in Battle: Los Angeles were great, it would be difficult to throw out any laurels for a $10 game that lasts less than half as long as the movie on which it is based. But you don't even have to contemplate that value proposition, because this is a bland shooter with no distinguishing characteristics whatsoever. In the rather grandiosely named "campaign," which isn't much longer than the tutorial missions in other shooters, you take on the role of a marine fighting the alien hordes that have swamped the City of Angels. Levels are set in LA rubble, with you running around on the wrecked city streets with a small squad of buddies. All you do is move from one choke point to another, hunkering down behind cars and chunks of concrete whenever the beanpole extraterrestrials show up and start taking potshots at you.
The whole campaign plays out like the first level of a game that was never completed. You face just one kind of alien enemy along with a couple of walking gun contraptions that serve as mobile turrets. Alien foes never vary their approach or battle tactics. They're just there every so often when you round a corner, either hiding behind wreckage or standing atop nearby buildings or buses. Aliens mostly present themselves as targets, because even though they demonstrate some awareness of a need to take cover when marines show up with big guns, the invaders are too tall to fully hide behind the junk littering the streets. Hello, headshots. Just four types of weapons are available for your hot little hands: a standard M16-style assault rifle, frag grenades, a sniper rifle with scope, and a rocket launcher. Most of the time you use the assault rifle, because the sniper rifle and rocket launcher are typically saved for the few moments when you shoot aliens to cover a buddy or blast big alien ships out of the sky.
Even when you're running and gunning, gameplay is plodding and methodical. It takes almost a full clip to kill an alien, which really slows things down. Making the pace even more excruciating, you spend almost all of your fighting time peeking around cover waiting for an opportune moment to stand up and shoot. Little challenge is offered by any of the combat. Your marine can take a lot of punishment, and he can totally heal up by hiding out for a few moments. Ammo crates are plentiful, which means that you never have to worry about running out of anything. As a result, you can get through the campaign with ease, dying no more than once or twice no matter which of the three difficulty settings you select. So you reach the game's finale in under 45 minutes of play. And that's without rushing. Some players are making it to the finish line a lot faster judging by the leaderboard, which shows quite a few clocked times well under 20 minutes.

All Battle: Los Angeles has going for it is a pretty appearance. The graphics are great, with a lot of detail on both the soldier models and the ruined LA streets. Explosions are extremely well done, and it only takes a single grenade to spark a massive fireball if you throw it at a car in one of the mostly destructible environments. The aliens themselves are a bit disappointing, being nothing more than stretched-out pale ETs with guns almost identical to those the marines are toting around. What little story there is appears in distinctive comic-book cutscenes, which adds personality even though you have to wonder why the game didn't make use of clips from the movie in these spots. (Movie-related videos and other goodies are unlocked whenever you finish the game on the three difficulty settings). The audio is rather annoying. All your squadmates ever do is yell the same two or three orders about taking cover when the aliens show up. And the music consists of generic martial Hollywood tunes that you forget the moment you get off the couch.
Most demos offer lengthier, more-involving gameplay than that in the full version of Battle: Los Angeles. As a free promo for a movie, this would be a worthwhile download to fool around with for an hour or so. As a game costing $10, though, this XBLA title is a flat-out rip-off.

Capcom Umumkan Monster Hunter 4

Popularitas Monster Hunter memang tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Walaupun mengusung konsep permainan yang terhitung sederhana, dimana Anda diminta untuk berburu, Monster Hunter juga menawarkan elemen lain yang membuat banyak gamer jatuh hati. Ia memberikan kesempatan untuk mengembangkan karakter utama dengan gaya RPG yang kental, multiplayer yang adiktif, dan kebebasan yang terhitung “mutlak” untuk menentukan strategi dari setiap monster yang Anda hadapi. Setelah seri terakhirnya yang berhasil membuat Nintendo merajai pasar Jepang, Capcom akhirnya mengumumkan seri penerusnya – Monster Hunter 4.
Capcom sendiri mengkonfirmasikan kehadiran seri terbaru ini lewat event Capcom Summer Jam yang diselenggarakan di Odaiba, Jepang. Lewat sebuah trailer perdana, Capcom memperlihatkan “daya tarik” Monster Hunter yang tampaknya tidak banyak berubah. Ada segudang monster karakteristik unik yang harus Anda taklukkan, yang kini tentu hadir dengan varian dan ukuran yang lebih beragam daripada seri sebelumnya. Seperti yang sudah dapat diprediksi, Monster Hunter 4 ini akan dipersiapkan sebagai judul eksklusif untuk Nintendo 3DS. Kapan Anda akan dapat menikmatinya? Capcom sendiri baru berencana merilis game ini untuk pasar Jepang pada musim semi 2013 mendatang.
Dengan jajaran game solid yang akan dirilis tahun ini dan tahun depan, termasuk nama besar Monster Hunter di dalamnya, tidak akan mengherankan jika Nintendo akan kembali menguasai tahun ini dan 2013. Anda tertarik untuk memilikinya? Pastikan Anda mempertimbangkan untuk membeli aksesoris Circle Pad tambahannya untuk dapat menikmati game ini dengan lebih sempurna.

NeverSoft Ikut Tangani Franchise Call of Duty?

Jika kita membicarakan salah satu franchise game shooter tersukses dalam satu dekade terakhir, maka menjatuhkan pilihan pada nama Call of Duty dari Activision tentu saja cukup beralasan. Semenjak menghadirkan seri fenomenal Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare  beberapa tahun yang lalu, Activision secara konsisten mencatatkan franchise ini di jajaran game dengan penjualan tertinggi, bahkan di tahun 2011 yang lalu. Kerjasama Activision dengan tiga tim developer utama: Infinity Ward, Treyarch, dan Sledgehammer Games memang harus diakui berhasil menghasilkan seri-seri COD dengan kualitas yang pantas untuk diacungi  jempol. Apakah COD menunjukkan tanda-tanda berhenti? Justru sebaliknya, Activision dikabarkan akan menjalin kerjsama dengan studio lain untuk terus mengembangkan franchise ini.
Masih ingatkah Anda dengan nama NeverSoft? Developer yang sempat terkemuka di masa kejayaan Playstation 1 dulu ini tetap eksis di industri game berkat franchise Tony Hawk yang tetap melegenda bahkan hingga saat ini. Tanpa kabar angina apapun, Neversoft memberikan pengumuman resmi lewat situs resmi, bahwa mereka kini terlibat dalam pengembangan franchise Call of Duty milik Activision. Sayangnya, Neversoft tidak memberikan keterangan lebih lanjut apakah kerjasama ini hanya dalam bentuk dukungan tenaga belaka untuk tiga developer lain yang sudah eksis atau memang dipercaya untuk menciptakan seri baru dari COD secara keseluruhan. Activision sendiri belum memberikan keterangan apapun.
Call of Tony Hawk? Tony Hawk of Duty?
Dengan lima studio (Sledgehammer, Infinity Ward, Treyach, Raven Software, dan Neversoft) yang kini bernaung di bawah Activision dan saling bekerja sama untuk mengembangkan seri COD, para gamer tentu memberikan ekspektasi yang semakin tinggi untuk seri-seri terbaru franchise di masa depan. Semoga saja kemunculan NeverSoft ini  mampu membantu Activision menemukan sesuatu yang “unik” dan “baru” untuk seri COD, daripada sekedar mengeksploitasi sisi plot yang mungkin saja akan mencapai titik kebosanan suatu saat nanti.

10 Game Terlaris di Amerika Serikat 2011

Amerika Serikat mungkin sedang menghadapi masa-masa terburuknya setelah krisis finansial yang tampak tak berujung. Pengangguran, kebangkrutan, dan kebijakan pajak membuat tekanan hidup masyarakat Amerika Serikat semakin berat. Namun, hal ini ternyata tidak menghalangi pemenuhan kebutuhan mereka untuk hiburan, termasuk bermain game. Pada tahun 2011 kemarin, industri game di Amerika Serikat berhasil mencatatkan pendapatan total hingga USD 9,3 Milyar, turun 8 persen dari pendapatan tahun 2010 yang mencapai angka 10,1 Milyar. Lantas, game apa yang memberikan kontribusi terbesar pada angka tersebut?
Salah satu badan retail tracking terbesar di Amerika Serikat, NPD akhirnya merilis data 10 game terlaris di Amerika Serikat. Seperti yang sudah dapat diprediksi, game FPS fenomenal milik Activision – Modern Warfare 3 menjadi jawara utama di kompetisi tahun lalu. Setelah sempat mendominasi Eropa, Activision kian membuktikan diri dengan mampu menempatkan MW3 kembali di region lain. Di posisi kedua, secara mengejutkan, kembali ditempati oleh Just Dance yang berhasil memukul game fenomenal – Skyrim ke posisi ketiga. Berikut adalah list lengkapnya:
We dominate the world!
  1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (360, PS3, Wii, PC)
  2. Just Dance 3 (Wii, 360, PS3)
  3. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (360, PS3, PC)
  4. Battlefield 3 (360, PS3, PC)
  5. Madden NFL 12 (360, PS3, Wii, PSP, PS2)
  6. Call of Duty: Black Ops (360, PS3, Wii, NDS, PC)
  7. Batman: Arkham City (360, PS3, PC)
  8. Gears of War 3 (360)
  9. Just Dance 2 (Wii)
  10. Assassin’s Creed: Revelations (360, PS3, PC)
Bagaiamana dengan persaingan antar platform sendiri? Gamer Amerika Serikat tampaknya lebih memilih XBOX 360 sebagai konsol terbaik. Mesin gaming buatan Microsoft ini menjadi yang terlaris selama tahun 2011, mengalahkan PS3 dan Nintendo Wii yang bersaing menempati urutan kedua dengan jumlah yang hampir seimbang. Sebagian besar game eksklusif yang lahir di XBOX 360 seperti Gears of Wars 3 memang menjadi daya tarik yang dibangun dengan basis selera gamer Amerika. Congratulations, again, Modern Warfare 3!