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Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP Review

The Good Creates a lively and captivating world   Beautiful, offbeat, frequently funny writing   Fantastic soundtrack   Your quest feels personal and moving. The Bad Easy to stumble on the solutions to puzzles. Something in our minds and hearts has always yearned for heroes. From King Arthur to Luke Skywalker, humanity has created and celebrated characters who fulfill...

UEFA Euro 2012 Review

The Good New tournament-focused commentary is excellent   Captures the Euro 2012 atmosphere thanks to sharp presentation   Still plays a great game of football. The Bad Expedition mode is dull and unrewarding   Adds little to the core FIFA experience. UK REVIEW--UEFA Euro 2012 marks the first time EA has released a FIFA tournament tie-in as downloadable content. Finally,...

Awesomenauts Review

The Good Ridiculous Saturday-morning cartoon characters and presentation   Deep customization options for individuals and teams   Easy, accessible controls. The Bad Occasional online connection and balance issues. Multiplayer online battle arena, or MOBA, is a genre of games that are well known for their intimidating learning curve and dense knowledge-base requirements on the...

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition Review

The Good Core gameplay is still as addictive as ever   Updated crafting system rocks   Excellent multiplayer options. The Bad Missing a lot from the PC version   No Creative mode   Worlds are smaller and constrained. It's immediately apparent after digging into Minecraft on the Xbox 360 that the platform is well suited for Mojang's first-person sandbox-style ...

Game of Thrones Review

The Good Strong story with interesting twists   Both the heroes and the villains are nicely fleshed out   Moral choices give flexibility in how you progress   Clever side missions. The Bad Middling visual design   Easy-to-exploit combat. The appeal of a novel is readily apparent. Fascinating characters and intricate plots suck you into elaborate worlds, and you...

Mario Tennis Open Review

The Good Fun with a few friends. The Bad The tennis never hits its stride   Far too easy until an 11th-hour difficulty spike   Convoluted control schemes. The Mario Sports games are known for being larger than life and filled with color, bombast, and hyper-unrealistic movesets. Mario Tennis Open eschews much of this, following in the footsteps of some of Nintendo's earlier tennis...

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II Review

The Good Entertaining cooperative gameplay with Tails   Fun "3D" bonus levels. The Bad Tails isn't a distinct character   Boss battles are boring   Many levels lack a sense of speed. On the surface, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II gives you pretty much everything you'd want in a followup, and a lot more than you've probably come to expect. New modes, a new character,...

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Review

The Good You see key Resident Evil events from a new perspective   Competitive play offers brief thrills. The Bad PC-specific interface and technical flaws   Fundamentally problematic cover system   Scarcity of ammo at odds with bullet-sponge enemies   Stupid AI   Sloppy details constantly get in the way of the fun. PC owners deserve better. Resident Evil:...

Battleship Review

The Good Interesting blend of strategy and FPS shooting. The Bad Clumsy shooting mechanics   Boring sea battles   Missions lack variety   Nondescript environments. Battleship has the unique distinction of being a video game based on a movie based on a board game, but that's probably the most interesting thing the game has going for it. Developed by Double Helix Games,...

Dragon's Dogma Review

The Good Fantastic combat encounters against awesome monsters   One of the best boss fights in any role-playing game, ever   There is always a surprise around the corner   Atmospheric touches that make the world feel authentic   A series of striking choices leads to an unforgettable ending. The Bad Tedious backtracking through familiar territory   Annoying...

Gran Turismo 6 Mulai Dikembangkan?

Jika kita membicarakan game balap simulasi terbaik di industri game, maka nama Gran Turismo memang pantas meraih mahkota sebagai salah satu yang terbaik. Seri terakhirnya – Gran Turismo 5 yang dirilis secara eksklusif untuk Playstation 3 di tahun 2010 silam juga mendapatkan respon yang baik berkat visualisasi dan keakuratan sang developer – Polyphony Digital mengembangkan semua elemen yang ada. Walaupun memakan waktu yang cukup lama,...

Game Apa yang Paling Banyak Dibajak di Tahun 2011?

Pembajakan sudah bukan hal baru di industri hiburan. Tindakan yang seringkali disamakan dengan tindak kejahatan “pencurian” ini memang menimbulkan kerugian yang tidak sedikit untuk para pelaku di industri ini. Musik, film, hingga video game merasakan dampak negatif dari pembajakan yang kian marak belakangan ini. Namun di sisi lain, sebagai seorang gamer, pembajakan menjadi “alternatif jalan” terbaik untuk menikmati video game dengan harga...

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Untuk Tahun 2012?

Jika kita membicarakan franchise game yang paling mampu memberikan keuntungan maksimal bagi para publisher saat ini, maka nama besar Call of Duty memang menjadi yang paling pantas untuk menduduki posisi pertama. Setelah kelahiran seri Modern Warfare yang fenomenal, franchise ini terus  mendulang kesuksesan yang luar biasa. Ia selalu menghasilkan pundi uang yang masif bagi Activision. Dua seri sebelumnya – Modern Warfare 3 dan Black...

Yakuza 5 Akan Gunakan Engine Baru

Hampir semua gamer yang pernah memiliki Playstation 2 atau Playstation 3 tentu saja familiar dengan seri game action – Yakuza dari SEGA. Menghadirkan kehidupana malam Jepang yang gemerlap dalam konsep sandbox yang unik, game yang menceritakan petualangan yakuza legendaris -  Kazuma Kiryu ini memang selalu datang dalam kualitas yang patut diacungi jempol. Walaupun dirilis secara frekuentif dan eksklusif untuk konsol milik Sony, Yakuza...

Bukti-Bukti Bahwa Video Game Berikan Manfaat Positif!

Para gamer tentu seringkali merasa terganggu akan berbagai prasangka yang menyatakan bahwa video game hanya akan menghasilkan efek-efek negatif. Berapa banyak dari kita yang seringkali dicela dan disudutkan karena hal ini? Video game seolah menjadi simbol dan sumber beragam masalah sosial, dari hilangnya produktivitas kerja, obesitas, agresivitas, hingga kriminalitas. Sementara bagi kita yang mengalami sendiri? Video game harus diakui...