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Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

10 Ramalan Masa Depan Versi Video Game

Waktu adalah sebuah kekuatan yang absolut dan masa depan boleh jadi merupakan sebuah konsep yang tidak mungkin dapat dihindari. Manusia, sebagai yang paling berkepentingan lewat peradaban, kemudian hidup di dalam waktu dan menjadikannya sebagai sebuah sarana untuk menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan diri. Manusia kemudian mulai berencana dan menetapkan sebuah visi dan misi sebagai target untuk masa depan. Walaupun beberapa di antaranya tampak...

Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Stealth Force Edition Review

The Good Attractive art style during cutscenes. The Bad It's a Transformers game in which you can't transform into a robot   No depth, fun, or excitement   Only a few hours' worth of content   Drab visuals. What makes a Transformer a Transformer? You don't need to know the difference between Soundwave and Shockwave to know that it's their ability to change from robots...

Dead Block Review

The Good Enjoyable array of booby traps. The Bad Majority of gameplay consists of the same repetitive actions   When you are doing great, it's boring   When you are doing poorly, it's frustrating   Timing-based minigames hampered by delay. It's no secret that the zombie apocalypse has been in vogue for the past few years and experiencing a multimedia renaissance...

LIMBO Review

The Good Moody, black-and-white visuals   Excellent sound design   Thoughtful puzzles with lots of variety   Hidden secrets reward a second play-through. The Bad Ends abruptly. Somewhere between life and death lies limbo, a nightmarish place where the feeble rays of light that flicker from above are swallowed whole by ink-black shadows. A young boy, courageous though...

Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions Review

The Good Includes two timeless arcade classics   Pac-Man: CE and Galaga Legions are great. The Bad Do we really need another release of Pac-Man or Galaga?   Not the best versions of Pac-Man: CE or Galaga Legions   The two brand new games aren't much fun. Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions offers something old and something new. This anthology includes six games, the...

Call of Juarez: The Cartel Review

The Good Secret agendas smartly link the gameplay with the story   Challenges give co-op play a competitive edge   Many levels are atmospheric and offer room to maneuver. The Bad You miss out on the good stuff when you play on your own   Unlikable characters that say and do unlikable things   Lots of bugs and glitches   Frequent pauses and frame-rate inconsistencies....

Captain America: Super Soldier Review

The Good Detailed animations give your attacks serious weight   Stringing together long combos is satisfying   Good variety of objectives. The Bad Sluggish moves lead to frustration   Automated platforming lacks excitement   Tired visual design   Dull story. Captain America really savors a good beatdown. Once locked in a hand-to-hand fight with the foreign...

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team Review

The Good Slaughtering Orks is mindless fun   Ork kroozer environment is grim and compelling. The Bad Shallow gameplay doesn't hold up for long   Co-op is local only   Cheap deaths and poor checkpoint placement can be frustrating. Space Marines, those perennial saviors of humankind, are once again called upon to serve in Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team. A gigantic Ork kroozer has...

The Avengers Kini Bergabung di XBOX 360!

Dunia tanpa superhero tentu adalah sebuah dunia yang membosankan. Walaupun hadir sebagai karakter fiksi, eksistensi karakter para pahlawan super ini memberikan warna tersendiri bagi kehidupan manusia, terutama mereka yang sedang menikmati masa indah kanak-kanak. Menyaksikan aksi satu superhero memberantas kejahatan saja sudah cukup untuk  membuat kita bersorak gembira, apalagi melihat 20 dari mereka berkumpul menjadi satu kelompok...

We Dance Review

The Good Good selection of songs. The Bad Motion controls fail to track your movements accurately   Frustratingly difficult   Tutorial doesn't properly explain routines   Stilted animation   Download store is empty at launch. UK REVIEW--There are some things in life that just aren't meant to be combined. Take toasters, for instance. They may make delicious toast,...

Tomb Raider Reboot Ditunda ke 2013!

Apakah Anda termasuk gamer yang menunggu kehadiran kembali aksi sang ikon – Lara Croft di tahun 2012 ini? Anda bersama jutaan gamer lainnya di seluruh dunia tampaknya harus menelan kekecewaan yang lebih mendalam. Harapan untuk merasakan petualangan Croft dengan konsep dan gaya baru yang lahir dari tangan dingin Eidos dan Square Enix di tahun ini tampaknya harus dikubur dalam-dalam. Mengikuti jejak yang sudah diambil oleh Bioshock Infinite...

Mari Menangkap Pokemon di Dunia Nyata!

Apakah Anda termasuk penggemar seri monster-battle legendaris Pokemon? Tidak hanya sukses sebagai anime yang dicintai oleh dunia, Pokemon juga berhasil membuktikan diri sebagai salah satu franchise video game dengan popularitas yang tidak bisa dipandang sebelah mata. Sebagai salah satu seri eksklusif milik Nintendo, Pokemon yang sudah lahir dalam puluhan seri ini selalu berhasil mencetak angka penjualan yang luar biasa, terutama di pasar...

Age of Empires Online Review

The Good Can be enjoyed for hours without spending any money   Almost every quest supports cooperative play   MMO-style rewards keep you hooked   Uniformly great presentation. The Bad PVP matchmaking rarely finds appropriate opponents   Enemy AI isn't very bright   Quests are overly repetitive   Need to spend at least $20 to feel like you're playing...